Reebok Movement Screens
Purpose : The Deep Squat is used to assess mobility and stability of the entire body. To do a proper squat, you need full range of motion at all of your joints, as well as the core stability to coordinate and execute the movement against gravity.
Description : The client stands with feet hip to shoulder width apart and parallel to each other. Arms should be held overhead. Keep the heels on the floor and squat as low as possible, relatively slowly. The arms held overhead helps you see possible tightness in the lats, since the lats stretch as you bring your arms up, and it is difficult to keep them there as you squat if they are tight
Movement Screen Criteria to Score a 2
  • Knees stay in line with feet (knees don't cave in; feet don't turn out)
  • Squats low enough for thighs to be parallel to floor
  • Torso is parallel to tibia
Scoring Options
2 No action required - your client meets the observation requirements
1 If any of the preceeding criteria does not occur a one is given.
0 A zero is given if pain is associated with any portion of this screen. It is recommended that a thorough evaluation of the painful area be performed by a medical professional.
Observations and Possible Corrective Exercises if Score is 1 :
ObservationsCommentsSuggested Exercises
Client performs the squat while standing with heels lifted.This puts client into plantarflexion. There are several limitations that can be alleviated when the ankles do not have to dorsiflex in this saggittal plane as client squats down. If quality improves, try the suggested exercises.
Arch collapses and/or there is a collapse in the entire chain of one or both legsSquat may look better with heels lifted. Strengthen the tibialis posterior muscle
If arms come forward – as squat is performed do screen with arms held in front instead of flexedIf movement improves with arms in front, it could be due to tight lats
Client reports tension in the upper middle back as squat is performedTrain the upper body movement pattern without the lower extremity involvement
Corrective exercises are not challenging and the joint range of motion is not limited by tight musclesCore strength may be less than it should be. Lack of core strength and integrity makes it difficult for the client to negotiate and coordinate the squat movement against gravity, even though client may have enough mobility at all the joints

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