This DVD reviews advanced shoulder screens that reveal often overlooked components to proper shoulder function. They break down each screen and offer corrective exercise progressions all the way to advanced strength moves. Learn fundamental information on why and how to properly screen the shoulder to avoid potential problems. Educators Gray Cook and Brett Jones will demonstrate how to effectively improve the weaknesses through a systematic progression of exercises. Gray and Brett will provide a unique perspective in why it is important to not just train the shoulders but to incorporate fundamental movement mechanics during shoulder and upper core training. This DVD provides a totally different perspective in training the shoulders and upper core. You will be shown techniques that will enable you to work on weaknesses in the upper body before they become problematic.
Course Provider ALL American Academy of Health & Fitness Annette Lang Education Systems Athletes’ Acceleration, Inc (Patrick Beith) BackFitPro Inc. (Stuart McGill) Body Essence Personal Training C.H.E.K Institute (Paul Chek) Carla Botelho Sottovia Developing Athletics (Brian Grasso) Egoscue Method (Brian Bradley) Egoscue Method (Paul Schell) Elite Conditioning (Mike Boyle) Elite Conditioning (Mike Boyle)* Fitness Quest 10 (Todd Durkin) Function First Inc (Anthony Carey) Functional Design Systems (Gary Gray) Functional Movement (Gray Cook) GoFit/Athletes Performance (Mark Verstegen) Heart Zones USA (Sally Edwards) Human Motion Associates (Chuck Wolf) Marci Clark Michael Youssouf Michol Dalcourt Mind & Muscle (Douglas Heel) Mohr Results (Chris Mohr) New Earth Creations (Chip Richards) NSCA Certification Commission OD on Movement (Ian O'Dwyer) Parisi Speed School (Martin Rooney) Performance Training Solutions PHI Pilates Physical Solutions and Sports Motion Inc Power-Plate International Progressive Sporting Systems (Tony Reynolds) PTN Training Series by Resist-A-Ball (Mike Morris) Resistance Training Specialist (Tom Purvis) RMA Training Systems (Michol Dalcourt) Sports Speed, Etc. (Lee Taft) (Ryan Lee) Staley Training Systems (Charles Staley) The BioMechanics (Justin Price) Twist Conditioning Inc (Peter Twist) WaterART (Julie Twynham)
Course Author ALL ., Star Trac Strength Advisory Board Aaronson, Naomi Ballantyne, Craig Barnard, Chuck Beith, Patrick Bennett, Simon Berriman, Julian Bompa, Tudor Boyd, Richard Boyle, Michael Bradley, Brian Bratcher, Mary Cappuccio, Robert Carey, Anthony Catanzaro, John Paul CertificationCommission, NSCA Chek, Paul Christiansen, Jessica Chu, Donald Cibrario, Mark Clark, Marci Clark, Mike Cook, Gray Dalcourt, Michol Durkin, Todd Edwards, Sally Even-Esh, Zach Faccioni, Adrian Grasso, Brian Gray, Gary Hardy, John Harper, Craig Heel, Douglas Hines, Mark Hittner, Noah Hood, Peter Hopson, Scott International, Premier Training Jarrett, Russell Jones, Brett Laferriere, Kevin Lang, Annette Lee, Ryan Mamana, John Mancino, Mark McGill, Stuart Mohr, Chris Moran, Amy Morris, Mike & Stephanie Mosher, Nathaniel O'Dwyer, Ian Pennington, Mark Petersen, Tammy Pire, Neal Plakas, Paul Potvin, Andre Noel Price, Justin Purvis, Tom Reynolds, Tony Richards, Chip Romani-Ruby, Christine Rooney, Martin Roskopf, Greg Russell, Alan Santana, Juan Carlos Schell, Paul Seebohar, Bob Siff, Mel Sottovia, Carla Speerstra, Hank Staley, Charles Sutter, Sean Tadlock, Thomas Taft, Lee Tempelaars, Jelte Tumminello, Lisa Renee Twist, Peter Twynham, Julie Verstegen, Mark Wallden, Matthew James Westcott, Wayne Wilson, Jennifer Wolf, Chuck Wood, Robert Youssouf, Michael
Topic ALL Aqua Exercise Bands and Pulleys Boxing Training Business Cardiovascular Training Certification Exam/Materials Core Training Corrective Exercise Dumbbell Training Flexibility Functional Anatomy Functional Training Injury Life Coaching Medicine Ball Training Nutrition Pilates Power Training Program Design Self Myofascial Release Special Populations Sport Training Stability Ball Training Strength Training Wellness
Course Type ALL Online Video DVD Book CD-ROM Webcast