Core strengthening.
Departmento fRehabilitation MEdicine, University of Colorado, Denver, USA. venu.akuthota@uchsc.edu
Core strengthening has become a major trend in rehabilitation. The term has been used to connote lumbar stabilization, motor control training, and other regimens. Core strengthening is, in essence, a description of the muscular control required around the lumbar spine to maintain functional stability. Despite its widespread use, core strengthening has had meager research. Core strengthening has been promoted as a preventive regimen, as a form of rehabilitation, and as a performance-enhancing program for various lumbar spine and musculoskeletal injuries. The intent of this review is to describe the available literature on core strengthening using a theoretical framework. OVERALL ARTICLE OBJECTIVE: To understand the concept of core strengthening.
PMID: 15034861 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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