Subject: Complex Simplicity of Function by Gary W. Gray, PT

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Complex Simplicity of Function

By Gary W. Gray, PT

Understanding the biomechanics of function is complex. Deriving practical strategies from our complex biomechanical understanding of function is transformational. Applying functional strategies and principals based on this transformation becomes simple.

Being on the complex side of simplicity is a scary and unstable place to live. Establishing our foundation on the simple side of complexity provides for a fun and stable life. Trying to design and manage functional environments in order to enhance our patients and clients with their training and conditioning and rehabilitative needs without having a comprehensive understanding of the biomechanics of function is playing on the simple side of complexity which leads to frustration and uncertainty. Being able to first of all appreciate and understand all of the complexities of function and movement science and being able to transform those complexities into consistent principals and strategies, allows us to play with confidence and joy, as we appreciate the simple side of complexity.

Over 30 years we have dedicated our personal and professional efforts into transforming knowledge into function in order that we could create an environment of transformation for you. It is our desire to take advantage of our understanding of the biomechanics of movement in order to translate these complexities of human function into simple and effective strategies and techniques. We therefore developed the Functional Video Digest Series, a comprehensive CEU accredited video digest series encompassing the most up-to-date and proven information for functional analysis, injury prevention, physical rehabilitation, training and conditioning, and performance enhancement.  The Functional Video Digest is based on in-depth knowledge of the biomechanics of human movement. Each digest shares and teaches a clear understanding of all forms of function as it builds upon functional concepts applying practical and effective techniques across a wide range of patients/athletes/client objectives.

Each video digest begins with an introduction to the Functional Strategies that will be taken advantage of within the current topic. It builds upon a strong foundation of Functional Understanding of Chain Reaction biomechanics and human movement science with an integration of the neuromusculoskeletal system. A comprehensive Functional Analysis is demonstrated utilizing a three dimensional integrated isolation assessment profile including the determination of functional thresholds in all forms of function. Based on the Functional Analysis, an appropriate Functional Rehabilitation program is documented and demonstrated emphasizing causative treatment techniques and specific exercise designs and functional manual reaction therapy. Each of the Functional Video Digest Series includes an innovative Functional Training and conditioning segment that presents functional and creative techniques for conditioning, prevention programs, and enhanced performance. Included in the video is a section on Functional Transformation where we take advantage of a sport specific activity and learn how to transform this information in order to apply it to all types of sports activities, patients and clients. Finally each video digest includes updated Functional Research as pertinent articles are discussed in order to reinforce and to enhance our understanding of function.

The Functional Video Digest is based upon our passion and purpose to provide you with the information necessary to establish your own biomechanical understanding of function in order that you may take advantage of our functional strategies and principals to transform your life in order that you will make a significant impact upon the lives of those that you are able to create various functional environments for.

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