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1: Knee. 2002 Feb;9(1):55-63.
Knee flexors/extensors in gait of elderly and young able-bodied men (II).
Sadeghi H, Prince F, Zabjek KF, Sadeghi S, Labelle H.
Research Centre, Sainte-Justine Hospital, 3175 Cote-Ste-Catherine, Quebec, H3T 1C5, Montreal, Canada. heidar.sadeghi@umontreal.ca
In this study the fundamental tasks of muscle activity at the knee during gait in elderly and young able-bodied subjects were identified using principal component analysis (PCA). Role discrepancies between the older and younger subjects for the actions executed by the knee flexors and extensors during the gait cycle were also investigated. The t-test for independent groups was applied to determine significant differences between spatio-temporal and peak muscle moment parameters (P<0.05). PCA as a multivariate classification and curve structure detection method was applied to the sagittal knee muscle moment curves of twenty elderly (72 +/-5.5 years) and twenty young (25 +/- 8.1 years) subjects. The first three principal components (PCs) which accounted for 80% (older) and 93% (younger) of the information were retained for further analysis. Providing stable locomotion was recognised as a major task of the knee in the older subjects, while for the younger subjects the knee contributed to both balance and propulsion. Supporting the body during single limb support should be considered the only common task at the knee level in elderly and young subjects' gait. The lack of muscle power for propulsion might be the reason for not identifying the knee extensor muscle roles in the first three major tasks during elderly gait. Functional asymmetry can be considered the result of a different ordering of the functional roles of the muscles acting at the knee level in elderly and young subjects.
PMID: 11830382 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
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